Артикул: 208240
New 2014 Chinese Kuding Tea 250g Sichuan Wild Green Small Leaf Ku Ding Bitter Nail Tea Personal Health Care Organic Herbal Tea

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New 2014 Chinese Kuding Tea 250g Sichuan Wild Green Small Leaf Ku Ding Bitter Nail Tea Personal Health Care Organic Herbal Tea

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250g/Bag Sichuan Small Leaf Kuding Tea

Note :

Measurements are approximate only.
Colors of actual product may vary slightly from images shown.

Chinese Kuding Tea

Kuding tea has the reputation of "health tea", "longevity tea" and "slim tea". It has been proved that kuding tea can diminish inflammation and ease pain, enhance salubrity and clean up toxins, reduce fat and blood pressure, and keep the body fit. Kuding tea is widely used to cure coldness, rhinitis, itching eyes, red eyes, soar throat and headache. Kuding tea is very effective in weight loss.
Kuding tea, also known as "bitter tea" is a unique Chinese tea. It does not fall into any tea categories of green, black, oolong or white tea, which are all made from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis. Kuding Tea is made from the leaves the holly category of ilex, t ilex or ligustrum.
This is a black bitter stalk tea. At one time the Ku Ting was used only as an offering to royalty. In Chinese medicine this rare and expensive tea is known to be extremely effective for lowering cholesterol and lowering high blood pressure. Researcher found that people who drank this tea daily has a lower chance of getting a stroke or a heart attack.
Brewing Kuding tea:
Since this tea has a very concentrated taste, it is suggested to brew this tea with less tea leave and more water. For example, one Kuding stick with 500ml of water.
Steep tea leaves in hot water at 80C/176F to 90C/194F for 1 minute for the first and second brewing.
Gradually increase steeping time and temperature for subsequent brewing.
Kuding tea is mostly produced in the provinces of Yunnan, Hainan, and Fujian.

item Type:
Top A
1 - 2 Years
Shelf Life:
2 Years
Loose Tea
Weight (kg):
item Type:
Brand Name: Sichuan Kuding Style:
Loose Tea
place of origin:
Sichuan Province
Personal Health Care

Unit Type:
Package Weight:
0.250kg (0.55lb.)
Package Size:
15cm x 2cm x 6cm (5.91in x 0.79in x 2.36in)
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